Sweet Mourning

Written by Alejandra Rubio | @ale.rbio

From her four-walled world, the twenty-one-year-old Spanish writer Alejandra Rubio explores themes of melancholy and hopelessness as a way to open up about emotions difficult to express that are often carried in silence. She kindly dedicates these words to “the turbulent hearts who live in borrowed peace.”

The last coin

Swallowed the coin from the wishing well
yearning to be where the storms collide,
where black gives birth to blue
and blue takes me to the Promised Land.

Clouds ate my prayers like a starving shadow
and dreams never seemed to make my bed,
so I drown this golden hope as I’m waiting
to be taken worlds away from my cell.

A hidden place

Got lost in a hidden place,
too far for the holy eyes to reach,
hummingbirds turned into vultures
and new days became broken gifts.

Went six feet under and six feet above,
searching for a place to belong,
and saw the blessed harvest their gold
while my palms were covered in coal.

I don’t remember how this became my fate,
it feels like a thousand moons have passed,
my flesh and bones devour the hours
as I hold the light in my trembling hands.

Early mourning

Half alive on a flower bed, crystalized by dawn’s first kiss, I watch the stars fall from the cold sun that shines on the weight of my existence, while the snakes nail me to my shame with the promises of yesterday. My wounded palms bleed on the wish for better days,

but tomorrow I will try again,
run away from the early mourning that chains me to this deathbed.

I promise.

Save it for your own

During the eclipsed days I heard the most brilliant lie:

if you live in borrowed peace,
you will cure your turbulent heart.




Looking for Horses