Dear Mr. Supertramp & whomever this poem may find

By Matthew Pelton | @immatthewpelton


The more I hear from you, the more I look at my own life

Every action with a fine tooth comb

And yet I keep coming out more lost than before

Who am I?

The world doesn’t know yet

Maybe I don’t even know yet

But I know where I belong

And this isn’t it

Being trapped for so long takes its toll

The spiritual revolution has subsided

And the man standing in my shoes is one of mystery

Regret and embarrassment

Home hasn’t shown itself

Though I’ve met its antagonist

And for years I’ve walked the earth trying to find my place in it

Only to end up here

Once again


Though I can stand before you today and through it all tell you that I am out there

I’ve played a long game of hide and seek with my soul, but the climactic battle to bravely resume my spiritual revolution is on its way

Maybe my home is the road

Or it’s wherever my heart is resting

But one day the world will see what I know is hiding

Everybody reading these final words…take note

As I become


Thank you, Alex

Your pilgrimage is complete

As mine has just begun


Traipsing (and other poems by Allison Riechman-Bennett)